Iconoclast Data


FAQ for Newbies (New Players)
Fi (aka Emily Spencer) has spent a lot of time helping newbies. She's come across some common questions along the way, and has collected some of them here. All of these questions were asked by actual newbies. If you have more questions, please contact her on the MUD or email her here.

Later, check out the wiki (http://foofus.com/cgi-bin/wiki), an interactive webpage for managing roleplay and sharing information. Try the Newbie Checklist.

Also, consider joining the IconPlayers Yahoo-Group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IconPlayers). It's an email list for players to talk about character generation, RP plots, times and places, and whatever else strikes your fancy (it doesn't have to be Icon related.)


The Dirtwalk:


Descriptions of old and current icons, for your perusal.

Demon Turkey. Courtesy of Saalshar.

Best of Armageddon!

Armageddon: Meatpuppet and Alexis fight to the death! With Rafe, Lydia, Digby, Rob, Teska.

More silly snippets. Includes mean and vicious taunting.

OOC strangeness. Includes dirty words.

Martin's death. With Melchior and Jago. (One of the funniest things I never actually witnessed)

X-Files stuff. C'mon, you know you want it.

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