Favorite Slash Sites (Revised
the flambeau factory
Torch is my favorite all-around slash writer. Really fantastic stuff.
There's nothing of hers that I haven't liked, even if it's in a fandom
I don't follow much. She hasn't written X-Files in a while, but there's
enough there, and it's good enough, that you can start from the top,
once you've finished it all. [lots of
X-Files, Star Wars, Voyager. some Highlander, Vampire Chronicles, misc]
Wax Jism
Wax's page is awesome. It looks great, and the stories are fantastic.
[Contains: X-Files, Due South, Buffy
the Vampire Slayer, Sentinel]
Harris' Slash Fiction
Jessica wrote the "Bedlam" series, one of my all-time favorites.
Her X-Files stories tend to be dark and gritty, with plenty of mental
anguish, physical suffering, and balls-out insanity for everyone. Which
doesn't explain how her characters are likeable, so you'll just have
to trust me that they are. [lots
of X-Files, some Due South]
Fanfic and Funny Stuff
Oh, she's the queen of X-Files humor. Don't believe those other spoof
sites; demand the Real Thing. Mulder and Krycek Spotter's Guides, American
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Mulders, and many more. [lots
of X-Files, some Phantom Menace and Highlander]
Due South archive and B-movie women's prison. "Bindlestitch--so
named for the repair job done on Fraser's lovely, lovely boots--is two-Rays-friendly,
kink-friendly, weirdness-friendly and, yes, actorslash-friendly (oh,
horror of all horrors!). If you have a sense of humor and yearn to flee
the corpse-strewn Vecchio vs. Kowalski battlefield, come and join us."
[lots of Due South]
JiM's Fiction
What happens to the X-Files main characters 5 or even 10 years down
the road? The "Houseboat Variations" offer interesting possible futures.
Most of these stories are romantic in a melancholy, "too tired
to fight about it" way. [lots of
X-Files, some Highlander, Johnny Quest]
The Sith Academy
My favorite Star Wars parody site. Read the first 5 stories in order,
then pick and choose based on the summaries. Siubhan only accepts quality
stories which have been spell-checked and edited for grammar and content.
God(dess) bless a talented Editor. [Phantom
Menace, AU]
Siubhan's Fanfic
by the same genius who created the Sith Academy. She seems to alternate
between truly silly and devastatingly angstful, but rarely in the same
story. "Everybody Loves Yoda"[Phantom
Menace], "Prison Buddies" [X-Men],
and "Eon Harry - 24th Century Drag Consultant"[Voyager]
are very, very funny. "Razor's Edge" is an angstful and hot
Phantom Menace piece. "Beneath the Harrow" is a touching and
bittersweet X-Men series. [Phantom Menace,
Voyager, X-Men]
Blood, Love & Rhetoric
Sleeps With Coyotes' Slash Fiction. Look for "The Abomination" on the
X-Files and Highlander pages. It's aptly described. This multi-fandom
crossover will bend your brain, and not necessarily in a good way. [lots
of X-Files, Highlander, Phantom Menace, Crossovers. Some Velvet Goldmine]
Fanfiction by Kest
Try "Aporia." [lots of X-Files, some
Sports Night]
House of Slack
Zen and Nancy are cool. Really cool. Check out "Push". [lots
of X-Files, Highlander, Sentinel, Due South, Hard Core Logo, Crossovers]
Cody's Slash
Lots of bdsm among Mulder and/or Krycek and/or Skinner. [X-Files]
Unusual Suspects
Lone Gunmen slash by a variety of authors. It's all here: Krycek/Byers,
Mulder/Byers, Byers/Langly... even Frohike gets some action. Serious,
touching, and balls-out funny stories for (almost) everyone. [X-Files]
(try typing that one from memory) has a great site full of funny, funny
stories. Did I mention funny?
Big Slash Sites (Revised
I suggest only using these sites when you are looking for a specific
story or author. Say you find a broken link to a story that you want
to read (likely if the recommendation was written more than a year ago).
You go to one of these pages and search for the title, and POW! There's
your story.
Slash Fan
Fiction on the Net Long list of links to every fandom you can
imagine, and many you wish you hadn't. Go here if you're a fan of a more
obscure show or pairing.
Down in the Basement has
several different archives: Mulder/Krycek, Mulder/Skinner, ScullySlash,
BadFic, and archives of older stories.Big, big archive of stories. Some
are good, many more are not. I'm linking to it because some people just
can't get enough.
Red and the Black
Another collection of Mulder/Krycek miscellanea. Quality varies.
Master and Apprentice
Probably the biggest archive of Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon slash. Some stories
are good, but it's chock-full of mediocre angst and sappy romance. You
have been warned.